luni, 11 mai 2015

The shitty shit

We all know that feeling of having a crush on someone. Either you're a boy or a girl,having a crush can be a very annoying thing sometimes,especially if you don't talk to each other. So,as any other girl,I have a crush. It's a funny story actually and if some famous director reads this he or she can contact me to make a movie about it. 

So,my story is kinda weird but my crazy friends help me to follow him. Yeah,I know that sounds weird and creepy but let's be serious...who doesn't follow their crush? He is a cool guy,as we like to say he is a ''heart-braker''. He is cool and smart ( and what the fuck is happening....I've never thought I will ever write something like this on my blog,but it's just for amusement). My story is like the ones you see in american movies,when the girl either is a creep or a nerd. Well,in this case I am not a nerd but I can say that I have too much energy,and I always have to say something stupid,do something stupid,laugh too much and thigs like that. Altough,I am not a stupid girl,I know a lot of things,and I can be described as a tomboy. 

Being a girl in the 21st century can be a very demanding task and fashion is very important,especially when you are a teenager and you want to stand out of the crowd. I don't really pay too much attention at the way that I dress,I usually wear black jeans,sneakers and a T-shirt. I like fashion,I like to see clothes that are fashionable but I feel more comfortable wearing what I like and what I think that describes my personality. 

So,I was talking about this cool guy. We talked a few times,just usual things just to make conversation but now I don't even think he remembers my name :))). I have two moods. Whenever I am out and I have to meet other people I can socialize very easily and when I talked to him I was like :Hmm...sooo,you like french fries? That is so lame and hilarious that when I think about it,it makes me laugh.
I guess we all know the story of Cinderella. Well,there is The Prince Charming,who is cool,he has a cool horse,he is tall and handsome...aaand there is Cinderella. But,wait a minute,we are in real life. Maybe I don't have to do a lot of house chords,like Cinderella,but definitely there won't be a fairy who will magically transform me into a princess and I won't lose my shoe (unless I am drunk or my shoelace is not tight enough). I won't be able to learn overnight how to walk like I am flying,how to wave my hair like I get rid off the star dust that got stucked in it,I won't be able to blink like someone is filming me in slow motion. I will always say dirty jokes,go biking,I will always be interested in things that are more appropriate for boys,I will always like pizza too much,I will always laugh too much and too loud....things that are not really specific for a girl.

I have done a lot of weird things in my life. Like going to a person on the street and saying ''hey,i know you from the kindergarten'',or ''fighting'' for what I really believed in,I even closed my eyes while I was on the bike while crossing a bridge (and yes,I was about to fall,because I touched the bridge edges and I was about to fall in the water) and just thinking about saying ''Hey'' makes me wanna jump off the bridge. 

Well,I the only thing I can do is to accept the situation.In the end I have a nice story to tell and also a reason to laugh!